Join Us!
Your Membership supports projects that make LRV
a great place to call home.
Who We Are
The Associates of Loch Raven Village, Inc., has been an active neighborhood association since 1947. Through membership support, ALRV works tirelessly to preserve, maintain, and enhance property values and quality of life for its residents. When you become a member, you’ll be part of the reason so many residents say Loch Raven Village is a great place to live. Become a member today.
What are Membership Dues for?
The Associates of Loch Raven Village Board (ALRV) has responsibility for a number of common tasks and concerns that make living in LRV clean, safe, and fun! These include:
Support for special projects in local schools
Work to maintain and increase our property values
Work with Baltimore County to reduce crime
Informing you of local developments via our newsletter, this website, and our Facebook page
Listening to your concerns and taking appropriate action
Ensuring that exterior updates do not detract from the continuity and beauty of the neighborhood
Organizing trash clean up
Holding various events at Easter, Christmas and throughout the year
Decorating Contests
Community Garden Maintenance
Community Signage Updates and Maintenance
How much is Membership?
Annual membership is $40 per household; $30 for seniors.
Membership is effective Jan. 1 - Dec. 31 of each year.
Payment Options
If you prefer to pay by personal check:
Please send $40 ($30 for seniors) payable to:
The ALRV, P.O. Box 9721, Baltimore, MD 21284
Please include your name, address, telephone number,
and email address with your payment.