History & Our Homes
Quality home construction and thoughtful neighborhood planning

Intersection of Loch Raven Blvd. and Taylor Avenue, June 1947
The original Eudowood Sanatorium Dairy Barn, now owned and utilized by BCPS is the sole visual link to our neighborhood's past.
LRV History
Anticipating a housing demand following World War II, developer James Dorment purchased 150 acres on the east side of Loch Raven Boulevard from William Hahn, a black angus cattle farmer, for $1,100 per acre.
The first homes were built on Aberdeen Road, and were occupied in the winter of 1946-47. In 1951, the remainder of the Hahn farm, between Loch Raven Boulevard and Pleasant Plains Road, were purchased for $2,500 per acre. In 1955, 218 acres of land west of Pleasant Plains, known as the Eudowood Tract, were acquired by the developer from the Maryland Hospital for Consumptives for $5,000 per acre, completing the community area.

The name Loch Raven Village was derived from nearby Loch Raven Dam and Loch Raven Boulevard, and the 25 streets of the village were given complementary Scottish names. A total of 1,472 homes were built. The neighborhood was planned with walkable alleys and sidewalks. Three schools were built "into" the neighborhood to serve its residents and surrounding communities. The school grounds also ensure green space and recreational opportunities for residents.
For more than seven decades, Loch Raven Village has been an outstanding neighborhood in which to live and raise a family. The all-brick construction, convenient location, and affordable prices have helped the Village maintain appeal and value.
Design and Construction
Our brick Georgian colonial townhomes are spacious — inside groups measure approximately 20 ft. x 30 ft., and most end homes are 24 ft. x 30 ft. Foundations are concrete block and the interior walls are made of plaster. Many homes offer a wood burning fireplace.
Identifying features of Georgian architecture can include:
A 1–2 story box style, 2 rooms deep, using symmetrical arrangements
Panel front doors, topped with rectangular windows (in door) and capped with a crown/entablature supported by decorative pilasters
Cornice embellished with decorative moldings, usually dentil work
Multi-pane windows are never paired, and fenestrations are arranged symmetrically.
Loch Raven Village property values have remained high due in part to restrictive covenants imposed on the Village by the developer to ensure a uniformly attractive appearance and to control professional activity.

All brick construction in groups of 2-7.

Green spaces surround neighborhood schools.