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In a Meeting

Board Members & Contacts

The Associates of Loch Raven Village, Inc. has been an active
volunteer neighborhood association since 1947.

Sponser a friend

The ALRV board works "to protect, maintain, and enhance the property values of Loch Raven Village homes, and the quality of life of Loch Raven Village residents.”


Executive Committee

President / Antoinette O'Donnell /

Vice President / Peter Moulder  /

Treasurer / Tom Malstrom

Secretary /  OPEN /


Board Members

Richard Brown /

Gary Herwig /

Bruce Knauff / 410-823-0648
Nick Linehan /
Tom Malstrom /

Peter Moulder /

Antoinette O'Donnell /

Kate Walkinshaw /


Committees – It takes a Village!

Architectural Review/Building Restrictions

Block Captains Lori Cullinan /

Citizens on Patrol (COP) Richard Brown /

Community Events OPEN /

Gardens Nick Linehan

Marketing OPEN

Membership OPEN /

Planning/Zoning Development Nick Linehan

Peter Moulder /

Village Crier Editor Mary Noy /

Website Kate Walkinshaw /

Welcome/New Residents Lori Cullinan /

LRV Clean-Up Events Diane Davenport /


Local and County Contacts

Baltimore County Code Enforcement / 410-887-3375

District 6 County Councilman, Mike Ertel
410-887-3388 / Fax 410-887-5791 /

Police 911 or 410-887-2222

Sixth Precinct Significant Event Information
www.BaltimoreCountyMD. gov/agencies/police/pc06

Solid Waste Management / 410-887-2000 

Towson University, off-campus resident complaints
Richard Goldschein / 410-704-2057

The association is a vigilant participant in zoning matters within the Village, local community, and countywide, and provides a direct link to the government officials of Baltimore County.


Meetings of the board of directors of the ALRV are held (with the exception of August) on the second Wednesday of each month. Residents are encouraged to attend and volunteer to help in our ongoing work.

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